
My name is Gaston,
Well, more precisely Alexis Gaston- preferably Alexis -but Gaston sounds way better for an artistic name doesn’t it?

I was born in Montevideo and raised in Barcelona. I love traveling and after some years of wandering all around Europe, I found my place in Amsterdam four years ago. So, I decided to stay and make it my home here.
My passions range from the beauty of simple shapes to the complex communication of motion.
Highly interested in graphic design and video, I’ve been making a living out of branding as a freelancer and creating content in digital marketing agencies for 6 years. In the meantime, I train my animation and filmmaking skills.
I enjoy the whole process of visual communication, from briefing to the final details that make the final piece effective and aesthetic. Learning new techniques and exploring new ways of creativity helps me to broaden my perception while growing my skills, and I love it!
Besides my professional life, I still live my creativity to the fullest through hip hop, either moving my body to the beat or dropping some verses on it.

I speak English, Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese fluently, and a basic conversational level of Italian and French.

Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Figma and Lightroom